DFG April report: 9 detentions, 5 lawsuits, 36 access barriers 2021-05-05 14:16:54     DİYARBAKIR - According to the DFG's April report on violations against to journalists, nine journalists were detained, five journalists were sued and 36 websites and news were blocked.   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) published its report on violations against to journalists in April 2021. In the report, it was noted that nine journalists were detained in April, five journalists who followed the news were sued, and our agency's website was blocked nine times.   'Circular should be withdrawn'   In the report, which stated that journalists were faced with repressive facts such as detention, arrest, investigation, lawsuit, and imprisonment, and all of them targeted not only press workers but journalism as a whole, it was noted that the circular issued by the General Directorate of Security was a step to restrict press freedom. In the continuation of the report, mentioned: "The Circular was cited as ‘violating the private life of the police’. We would like to ask, ‘Where does taking part in actions stand in private life?’ We would like to remind you that previously recorded audio recordings or images revealed many incidents. For example, if footage had been forbidden in 2017 Diyarbakır Newroz, the whole public would know Kemal Kurkut as a suicide bomber. However, the photographs taken, it showed that Kemal, who was 22-year-old, that he was not even wearing a dress, let alone the bomb. Even this example shows that if the circular is implemented, the freedom of the press may be further restricted. In this respect, the circular should be withdrawn and the ban on press work should be stopped."   Nine access barriers to our agency in April   While it was repeated in the report that journalists are the eyes and ears of the public, it was pointed out that every news report made the society see and hear what was going on. In the report, which was reminded that our agency Jin News was imposed nine times and the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) had been blocked for five times in April, the report said: "The situation of our detained colleagues continues to be one of the most fundamental factors that hurt the freedom of the press. Many journalists are still in prison for their professional activities. Even though our friends were tried to be terrorized, they did not exhibit any practice other than journalism. This is clearly seen in the indictment prepared and the charges brought against it. The arrest of journalists for reporting the news that the government did not like is incompatible with legal principles. For this reason, all journalists in prisons should be released and the detentions and arrests of our colleagues should be ended without delay."   The rights violations against journalists are listed as follows:    * Journalists Detained: nine  * Journalists Blocked to Follow News: four incidents * Journalists Under Investigation: two * Journalists Prosecuted: five * Journalists with Trial: 24 files, 60 journalists * Violations Against Journalists in Prisons: one * Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) Fines: five * Internet Access Barrier: 19 news, 17 websites * Number of Arrested Journalists (as of April 5, 2021): 70