KCDP April report: 16 women killed 2021-05-04 11:09:14     NEWS CENTER - We Will Stop Femicides Platform published its April report. According to the report, 16 women were killed within a month, and 14 women lost their life suspiciously.   We Will Stop Femicides Platform (KCDP) published a report that shared the data of women who were killed in April. According to the report, 16 women were killed in April, while 14 women lost their life suspiciously.   According to the report, the excuse for which 11 women were killed could not be determined; five of them were killed while trying to make decision about their life, such as wanting to divorce, refusing to make peace, refusing to marry, and rejecting the relationship.   Of the 16 women killed in April, eight were killed by a man they were married to, one by a familiar person, one by a relative, one by a father, one by her partner, one by a former married man, one by her brother. Two women are not known to be close to the perpetrator.   Everywhere is crime scene   The report states that; seven of the women were killed at home, two in the middle of the street, one in a deserted place, one in the field, one in the workplace, one in a hotel, one in a shed, one in an apartment entrance. And stated that it is not known where one woman was killed.   In the report, stated: “The failure to determine under what excuse 11 women were killed is a result of the violence against women and femicide being rendered invisible. Unless it is determined by whom and why the women were killed; Unless there is a fair trial, suspect, defendant and killers receive deterrent punishments and preventive measures are not implemented, violence continues to increase.”