Relatives of disappeared ask perpetrators of Mesut Dündar 2021-05-01 14:55:03   DİYARBAKIR - The İHD Diyarbakır branch and the relatives of the disappeared asked the perpetrators of Mesut Dündar, who was detained in a raid on his house in Cizre in 1992 and then killed by the police.   Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır branch and the relatives of the disappeared carried out 638th of the action that they continue every week with the slogan "Let the disappeared be found, the perpetrators should be judged" with a video posted on its social media account. In this week's protest, the perpetrators of the incident where disabled Mesut Dündar was killed by civilian clothes police after he was detained in Cizre district of Şırnak province in 1992 were asked.   'He was subjected to intense torture'   The story of Mesut Dündar was told by Yusuf Erdoğan, who is a member of the İHD Diyarbakır Branch Board, stating that Mesut Dündar could not be treated due to economic impossibilities after meningitis he was caught as a child and continued his life as mentally disabled due to this reason. Yusuf said: "Mesut Dündar was detained three times in 1992 for carrying yellow, red and green banners in social demonstrations in Cizre. "He was released after being subjected to intense torture."   Yusuf later explained what Mesut Dündar lived as follows:   "In July 1992, police officers affiliated with the Cizre Police raid into the house of Mesut, who was living with his family, and told the family that they came to take Mesut to Elazığ Psychiatric Hospital. The police take Mesut and his father away from the house. They put Mesut in the Cizre Hospital. However, Mesut is scared and runs away by jumping from the hospital window. The police take Mesut's father with them and search for Mesut in the surrounding villages for three days. However, the police, who could not find Mesut, detained his father and subjected him to intense torture for three days. They threaten his father with death if he does not bring his son. He is released when the father promises to bring him.   Mesut was found smotheredly   Mesut did not return home but called his family on the phone every day. Every day, the police raid Mesut's homes, where he lives with his family. One day, when Mesut calls his family on the phone, the family thinks that Mesut was caught when the police did not raid the house. On September 6, 1992, Mesut's funeral was found smotheredly in the village of Sulak, next to the water mill, with his hands tied behind his back. According to the statements of many eyewitnesses who saw the incident in the village of Sulak, one of the police officers who brought Mesut to the scene were three armed persons in civilian clothes. Soldiers arriving at the scene drag the funeral behind an armored personnel vehicle on the grounds that there may be a booby trap beneath the funeral. In the Özgür Gündem Newspaper dated November 19, 1992, the photograph of the funeral dragging remains in the memories for many years.   His lifeless body with intense traces of torture in Mesut was delivered to his family. The prosecutor's office did not take his family's statement. After the incident, the police detained Mesut Dündar's father again and asked questions such as "Did you have an enemy?", "Who do you suspect?"   The case is closed   The family made a written application to the Cizre Public Prosecutor's Office to find out at what stage the investigation was on September 13, 1994. Prosecutor’s clerk told the family that the "case is closed". According to the claim in a report prepared by the gendarmerie following the death of Mesut, after Mesut was killed by PKK members, a PKK flag was left in his pocket. Again, on February 18, 1996, the gendarmerie informed the public prosecutor that they could not find anyone who knew the identity of the perpetrators. The Cizre Public Prosecutor took a statement from the family on April 12, 1996. The reason for the statement was that the family applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Commission on March 3, 1995, regarding the incident. In 2005, the ECHR convicted Turkey for violating the right to life in the Mesut Dündar case and ordered compensation."