‘Roboski is the bleeding wound of these lands and pursuit of justice’ 2021-04-28 16:02:11     ANKARA - The Justice Initiative for Roboski, who made a statement regarding the 112th month of the death of 34 citizens in Roboski, pointed out that Roboski is an exam of the state and power, and said: "Roboski is the shame of these lands, bleeding wounds and the pursuit of justice."   The Human Rights Association (IHD) and Justice Initiative for Roboski held a press release on the 112th month of the Roboski Massacre in the Roboski village of Şırnak's Uludere district on December 28. The statement was made by IHD member Tanju Gündüzalp.   'Roboski massacre awarded with impunity'   Reminding that bombs were dropped on 34 people doing border trade for their livelihood, it was stated that geography is not destiny and that geography is a land where people can live in peace, equal, rights and freedoms. In the statement, said: “The continuity of the massacres cannot be prevented in the lands where justice cannot be provided. The Roboski Massacre was awarded with impunity both in domestic law and in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) process. Even though the ones we lost will not come back; When the trial was made and those responsible were brought to court and punished, the belief of justice of the families and all those seeking justice would continue, and the subsequent massacres would have been prevented”.   'We want to live in a country where justice is built'   In the statement, where it was stated that Roboski families applied to the Constitutional Court again, the speech of the families' lawyer Kerem Altınparmak in front of the Constitutional Court was reminded. In the statement mentioned that the Roboski case is not only the case of the Roboski families, but it is also the case of everyone who believes in human rights, humanitarian values, and universal values in Turkey, and continued: “The primary duty of the state is to protect the right to life guaranteed by the European Convention of Human Rights. Societies in which people have a strong belief in justice, do not worry about their lives, where the law is exercised in favor of justice, where perpetrators are tried so people live happily and peacefully. We want a society that is equal and free, in which nature is not destroyed, and where no language, religion, race, or class distinction is made. We want to live in a country where we are faced with massacres and where justice is built. We want what is our most natural right.’’   ‘Roboski is the bleeding wound of these lands and the pursuit of justice’   In the statement mentioned that justice will not come to Turkey before justice comes to Roboski, it was emphasized that the right to objection against war and violence that destroys all human life and freedoms, especially Roboski, will be used uninterruptedly. “The essence of what we are experiencing are the state, impunity, war and the absence of justice. There is no time-out for any massacre. Unless Roboski is enlightened and the events in Roboski are clearly explained to the public, there will be no civilization and democratization in Turkish politics. We are on the side of the pursuit of justice, living together and in peace. We will not sleep well in our beds, nor will we sleep until the day we come together to demand justice for Roboski and all massacres against state and power violence. We will call out and remember on the 28th of every month to anyone who asks the question "What can I do as a human?" Roboski is an exam of the state and power. The path to peace and justice in these lands will surely and first pass through Roboski’’ he said. Tanju stated that Roboski is the shame of these lands, bleeding wounds, and the pursuit of justice.