Sit-in protest against isolation and hunger strikes 2021-04-28 14:59:35     DİYARBAKIR - Despite the blockade and obstruction of the police in Bağlar district, the isolation was protested, while the statement was blocked in Sur, Kayapınar, and Yenişehir.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Provincial Organization wanted to make a statement in Bağlar, Yenişehir, Kayapınar, and Sur districts regarding the indefinite-alternating hunger strikes that have been going on for 153 days in prisons against the isolation on Abdullah Öcalan.    Bağlar   An attempt was made to prevent the press release to be made in front of the Koşuyolu Park Human Rights Monument in Bağlar district. The police, who blockaded the group that came to the park, took those who wanted to be included in the crowd in another circle. Against this, a sit-in protest started with applauses in two groups. After the sit-in, the crowd left the area with applauses and the slogan "Bijî berxwedana zindana".   Yenişehir   While the HDP Yenişehir district building was blockaded by hundreds of police, party members were not allowed to leave the building. Many police were positioned around the AZC Plaza where the press release will be made, the party members reacted to the blocking by not making a press release inside after the statement was prevented from being made outside.   Sur    The press release intended to be made in front of the Ahmet Arif Monument in Sur was blocked by the police. Police did not allow HDP district executives to enter and exit the party buildings, blocked the building. The police stated that they would not allow the press release. Thereupon, HDP executives said that they would not make the statement under these conditions.   Kayapınar   In the Kayapınar district Roboski Park, the police imposed a 10-person restriction for the press release. When the attempts failed, HDP executives protested the situation with applauses and returned to the district building.