From Emine Şenyaşar to public: We resist, give us a voice 2021-04-27 15:50:46     URFA - MEBYA-DER and KESK Diyarbakır Branches Platform executives visited Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar. During the visit, mother Emine Şenyaşar called for "We are resisting here, give us a voice".   The support visits continue to Emine Şenyaşar, who has been demanding justice in front of the Urfa Courthouse for 50 days for her killed husband, two sons and her imprisoned son, and her son Ferit Şenyaşar, who was injured from the attacks. The executives of the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions (KESK) Diyarbakır Branches Platform and the Association for Culture, Unity and Cooperation with Families Who Lost Their Relatives in Mesopotamia (MEBYA-DER), who visited the family, gave messages of support.   'Give us a voice'   The first visit was made by KESK executives. Emine Şenyaşar, who told the delegation about her experiences in three years, said: “We do not accept this government and its justice. Everyone should stand up, nobody should be afraid. We are resisting here, give us a voice.”   'We will not leave you alone'   Education and Science Workers’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) Diyarbakır No.1 Branch co-chair Emine Yıldız stated that they will continue to support and solidarity and said: “We will be with you until justice is achieved. This case is not your case, it is our case. There are thousands of people who suffered injustice in Turkey. There is no authority to go for justice. We will provide justice by supporting each other. The forces fed by money will be left alone when power is gone, and they will also need the justice you demand. You are here tirelessly, and we will give you strength. As KESK branches, we will not leave you alone.”   'We will continue to resist'   Ferit Şenyaşar thanked the delegation for their solidarity visits and said that the visits kept them alive. Stating that the case files were separated “unlawfully”, Ferit said: “Thank you for coming to solidarity. Even if there is a shutdown, we will continue to resist at home.”   After the KESK delegation, MEBYA-DER executives also visited the family. The delegation conveyed support and solidarity messages to the family.