Hunger strike continues in Maxmur with determination 2021-04-27 14:33:39     MAXMUR - The ongoing hunger strike in Martyr Rüstem Cudi Refugee Camp against the aggravated isolation against PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan continues with great determination. The new group took over the action.   The indefinite alternating hunger strike launched in Maxmur Martyr Rüstem Cudi Refugee Camp against the aggravated isolation against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan has entered its 131st day. Today, the 66th group took over the ongoing action at the Martyrs' Families Institution under the leadership of the Ishtar Council. The statement made before the takes over started with a minute's silence in memory of those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy and freedom.   'We have the strength to defend'   Emer Demir made a speech on behalf of the 65th group. Emer Demir greeted the guerrillas who are resisting that the launched attacks by Turkey on Federal Kurdistan Region. Emer condemned the aggravated isolation against Abdullah Öcalan for years. Emer Demir said that a genocide similar as committed against the Armenian people 106 years ago is also wanted to be applied to the Kurdish people, stated: "Turkey has completely defeated in Gare. It will also be defeated by the resistance of Kurdish guerrillas in Avasin, Zap, and Metina. Turkey and its partners, whatever they do, the Kurdish people will not finish and cannot bring Kurds to their knees. We have power and we can protect ourselves. But in this process, we are most hurt about the Barzani family has entered partnerships with Turkey. Once again, we condemn this situation. We greet our resisting people.”   While the action ended with the slogans "Bijî Serok Apo", the new group took over the hunger strike.