Police attack to Kobanê statement: 2 journalists detains 2021-04-26 15:00:11     ISTANBUL - The police attacked the statement the HDP Istanbul Provincial Organization wanted to make regarding the Kobanê Case in Ankara, battered two journalists, and detained them.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul Provincial Organization wanted to make a statement in front of the provincial building in Beyoğlu regarding the Kobanê Case. Before the statement, dozens of police blockading the provincial building and its surroundings were held by riot police at the entrance and exit to the street where the building is located. Minutes before the statement began, the police blocked the front of the provincial organization gate and did not allow anyone to come out. There was a dispute between the police and HDP Istanbul Provincial Co-chairs, who wanted to go out for a statement. While the police stated that they would not allow an outside statement to be made on the grounds of the pandemic, but they would allow it inside, the co-chairs stated that the government used the pandemic as it wanted. Since the police did not allow it, the co-chairs stated that they wanted to make the statement at the entrance of the door. The police, who did not allow this, forced the mass into the building. The mass responded to the attack of the police with the slogan "Kobanê has not fallen, it will not fall".   'This party is the meeting state of resistance'   Making a statement inside the building, HDP Istanbul Provincial Co-chair Elif Bulut stated that these practices were carried out because Kobanê did not fall and said: “They are trying to judge the HDP over this, but they cannot judge the HDP. Six years have passed and nothing has been done regarding the Kobanê Trial. However, within six years, HDP has worked to investigate this and submitted parliamentary questions. These were rejected by the Justice and Development Party (AKP)-Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The public is the witness of this process. Since Kobanê has not fallen, they do not even allow a democratic statement to be made, as can be seen here. This is how they block democratic rights with fascistic methods. HDP wants rights for everyone, wants justice and equality. It just doesn't want it for six million HDP voters. Thanks to the struggle in Rojava, ISIS could not trouble humanity. It is Kobanê liberation that paved the way for that resistance. It is the people who do not want to be a spectator to death. It is the power that turns this into an anti-democratic process. Why are you here today? The reason for this is the counterpart of the ISIS mentality. Peoples, youth, and women will judge you. This party is the meeting state of resistance. This should be a problem for you.”   'A coup to the will of democracy'   Speaking afterward, Erdal Avcı stated that the case that was a "coup to the will of the people" and said: "This is a product of the war concept that started when the people unmasked the government on June 7, 2015. This indictment, which is empty and ashamed in the name of the law, is a coup against the democratic will of the peoples, to live in peace, rest, and prosperity, combined with the Kobanê Case indictment. The mass shouted a slogan "Bijî Serok Apo" after the speech of Erdal, who mentioned on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan's struggle for peace. Meanwhile, it drew attention that the police, who squeezed the mass at the door for minutes, said, "Let's see the Apo slogan again." Meanwhile, the masses frequently shouted, "shoulder to shoulder against fascism". Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporter Muhammed Enes Sezgin and Artı TV cameraperson Bilal Meyveci were detained in the police attack.   The police, who blockade the front of the party building, do not allow entry and exit.