HDP delegation met with CPT about isolation 2021-04-23 13:15:38     NEWS CENTER – Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Foreign Relations Commission Co-Spokespersons Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy discussed the isolation conditions in İmralı with the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) officials.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Foreign Relations Commission Co-Spokespersons Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy held a meeting with the CPT in Strasbourg, France, as part of their party program.   During the meeting, it was stated that the demands and suggestions regarding the isolation imposed upon PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, the obstruction of family and lawyer interviews, the hunger strikes against the isolation, and the increasing violations of rights in prisons were conveyed.