Hunger strike of prisoners enters its 145th day 2021-04-20 12:28:40     NEWS CENTER - The hunger strike launched by prisoners against the aggravated isolation and increasing right violations in prisons continues on its 145th day.   The hunger strike launched by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) prisoners on November 27, 2020, in order to end the aggravated isolation imposed upon the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the increasing violations of rights in prisons, continues with the 29th group on its 145th day.   The ‘Leadership House’, which was located in the village Elpelûrê near the Kobanê canton of northern and eastern Syria and known as the first stay of the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, was an attack by a reconnaissance aircraft belonging to Turkey on April 16. Condemning the attack, women from Kobanê emphasized that the attack was not independent of isolation and said, “No power can come between us and the leadership. We are a people that grew up with the philosophy of leadership. We will rebuild our destroyed house."