Rozîn Mihemed: Afrin’s women are sold in Libya markets 2021-01-05 17:24:25   Dîcle Demhat   KOBANÊ - Euphrates Region Women's Ministry Deputy Rozîn Mihemed said that women were sold in markets in Afrin, where is under attack. "In Afrin, women are subjected to daily violence, and the Turkish state and its gangs try to break the will of the Kurdish people and other peoples," said Rozîn.   Violations of rights against women and children continue in Afrin,  where it is under attack by Turkey and its groups. During these periods of kidnapping, rape and detention are very common. It was reflected in the news agencies that Afrin women were taken to Libya by gangs and sold there. Rozîn Mihemed, the deputy of the Euphrates Region Women's Ministry, evaluated the sales of women by gangs in Afrin and the events experienced in the region.   ‘Afrin is beautiful with the color of the woman'   Rozîn said that before Afrin was occupied, women were active in all areas of life and that the color of life occurred on this basis. Rozîn said, “Before Afrin was occupied, women had labor in all areas of life, and they were included in all institutions with the co-chairship system. Women in political, social and military dimensions had taken their place and they had a say in all areas of life. The women who worked actively in Afrin now cannot even go to the door alone after the occupation. Life in Afrin, where sociality was experienced, has now turned into hell. Women are exposed to every kind of violence on a daily basis. Afrin, where was governed by the will of women, has now become an area where is governed by the hegemonic and male mentality. The Turkish state, which makes all kinds of attacks against the Kurds, tries to break the will of the Kurdish people by targeting the  Kurdish women."   'What happened is known'   Stating that women were targeted in Afrin, Rozin said, “After the occupation of the Afrin area, women were targeted. In Afrin and its surrounding villages, women were abducted and exposed to rape, abusement and other tendencies of violence. There is no difference between Afrin, and Raqa, where women were treated in very  bad conditions  during the ISIS period. The forces in Afrin are ISIS’s forces. The lives of women living in Afrin are faced with greater dangers day by day. Women who want to escape from occupied areas are being raped by gang members of ISIS and Turkey. While women in Afrin, Serekaniye and Gire Sipi are facing death every day, all international states and international courts of human rights remain silent against these violations. Although the events in Afrin are in social media areas and on TVs, no work is carried out for women "   ‘What happened in Afrin is not different from what happened in Shengal’   Stating that women were kidnapped in Afrin and sold in Libya region, Rozin reminded that women from Shengal were sold by ISIS. She said, ''According to Sky News Arabia women are taken to Libya via Turkey, and sold in the slave markets. In 2014, Shengal women were kidnapped and sold in Raqa, and Musul region. Now they sell women in Libya by the agreement between governments of  Libya and Turkey. By the agreement of the governments of Libya, Turkey and Qatar; Afrin women face all kinds of violence and people are abducted carried out by the organ mafia. Just as the fate of the Shengal women is still not clear, the fate of the women in the Afrin region is not clear neither. Women in the Afrin region are subjected to violence daily. Abducted women are held in the Îqab Dungeon in Libya, where women are exposed to rape and sexual attacs every day. They try to break the will of the people in Afrin and other occupation areas with attacks on women. If the revolution was led by women here and if we are struggling as women in all areas of life today, we will fight with one voice and one soul together as women for the policies towards women in Afrin. No power can fix the damage held by the government of Turkey, who is a member of NATO. The oppression of women in the occupied areas should end now!"