‘We continue to maintain our campaign of 'Em Xwe Diparezin' 2020-12-22 10:53:17   Safiye Alağaş                                                                DIYARBAKIR - Evaluating the campaign of "Em Xwe Diparezin" started by TJA, TJA activist Filiz Buluttekin said that the 4-months period of the campaign turned into a great energy and emphasized that they will continue the campaign by increasing the struggle with this energy.   The Free Women Association (TJA) started the 4-months campaign, on September 15,  against  abuse, rape, political genocide and attacks against beliefs and  native languages, and isolation in Imrali , with the slogan "Em Xwe Diparêzin (We Defend Ourselves)". During this time, TJA organized educational studies, actions, and events.   TJA activist Filiz Buluttekin evaluated the 4-months period of the campaign.   ‘The government justifies the crimes of men by its practice.’   Stating that the campaign process was successful, Filiz said that they could see the need for this campaign when they went to the field. Expressing that they were excited and happy to be together with women wherever they go, Filiz said, "Sometimes we were horrified by what women lived  and tried to be a solution for them. Sometimes we visited them at home. We noticed the need to support each other. By organizing and supporting, we became a voice of women and gave each other strength. In recent years, with the closure of women's institutions, women were left to a masculine mentality. And the government justifies the crimes of men by its practices. So they think that the violence is permissible. They try to show that violence is normal. At this point, we started the campaign as knowing that meeting with women was a great need. "   'There was a need for the campaign'   Reminding that panels and seminars which addressed self-defense, gender and special war policies were held, Filiz emphasized that brochures were distributed in the neighborhoods under these titles.  Stating that self-defense was explained and defined by visiting the neighborhoods and houses, Filiz continued as follows: "At the same time, we focused on the attacks on nature and the native languages. We visited the families of the murdered women and tried to support them. We also organized a mass march for November 25. We prepared a study to tell the life stories of the murdered women. This campaign arose out of a great need. We had come to a point where patience was over. With the campaign, women understood that they were not alone, they were not without alternatives. It was very important. We understood that women follow the trustee policies very closely. And they said that they were with us against the trustee and that they supported the co-chairship. We got strength from each other. We have seen that organizing together was essential. We discussed how we could grow and act together. It was campaign that found a lot of support.’’   'We will be in the fields by enlarging the struggle'   Filiz explained how the campaign will continue with the following words: "The four months period we planned within the framework of the campaign, is over. But the campaign is not over. It will continue.   The necessity of increasing women's institutions, expanding their living spaces and creating spaces where women can express themselves comfortably became clear. The campaign is a long running campaign. So the struggle of women will continue to grow. We will never give up on our achievements with everyone's contribution and work. We will not accept violence shown as destiny. We will be in the fields by making this struggle bigger and more meaningful. "   'We will be in solidarity'   Expressing that they strengthened each other, Filiz stated that the 4-months process of the campaign turned into a great energy. She continued as follows: '"We are holding discussions about how we can grow and organize the campaign with the very serious energy we get from the field. "Our campaign will continue to grow even more. We will be in the fields. We will again create tags on social media and create awareness about violence. Our panels and workshops will continue. Most importantly, we will never leave the fields. We will continue to visit homes. We will organize ourselves for awareness. We know that we cannot grow without getting organized. Unfortunately we are in a pandemic process. In this process, we will work by taking our own measures. Because of the pandemic, we cannot do big events. But we will continue all our work in areas and neighborhoods. "   'Our aim is to enlarge the campaign'   Stating that their aim is to enlarge the campaign, Filiz emphasized that they will develop self-defense against all kinds of violence. Saying that violence is not a destiny, Filiz added that they can fight in all areas with masculinity and create their own self-defense.