We reveal women’s role in history with Jineology 2020-12-16 16:34:51   Dîcle Demhat   KOBANE - Ferzê Mele Xelil, a member of the Euphrates Region Jineology Research Center, stated that the Jineology studies are received great interest in the region and said, “With Jineology, we are working to reveal the role of women in history for a democratic social structure.''   Jineology was first introduced as a concept in 2008 by the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in his book "Sociology of Freedom" . Jineology essentially means women's science. Here, the words women and science are redefined on the basis of the paradigm based on democratic, ecological and women's freedom. Abdullah Öcalan, who has increased his concentration on the axis of mentality and conscience revolution with the Imrali process since 1999, stated that the most fundamental mistakes were taken in this topic. He concerned "Paradigm based on democratic, ecological and women's freedom" in his book.   After the Rojava Revolution, Jineology Research Centers have been opened in Northern and Eastern of Syria due to have  researches on the way science deals with women and jineology studies for a democratic society. In the Euphrates Region, Jineology studies were started as a small group at the beginning. On March 8, 2019, official branches were opened in Kobanê center, and Jineology lessons were systematically given in the communes, academia, schools and universities. Specific research for the region was studied for each area.   Ferzê Mele Xelil, a member of the Euphrates Region Jineology Research Center, made evaluations about their works.   'Jineology centers opened in Rojava'   Stating that the first thing that comes to mind is archaeology when people think in terms of research, Ferzê said not only archaeological studies but also data researches are carried out here. Ferzê said, “When we look at the past and the present, there have been very different changes in our society. According to the periods, the pressure on women increased and there was a break in the will of the woman. On this basis, we, as women, recognize our own gender better and accept women as the second mother of life after Nature Mather. On this basis, we reveal the effects and duties of women on life. With the start of the statification process, the main roles of women were taken away and the society was tried to be managed by a male mentality. The pressure on women started to increase day by day. We needed research centers to study women's history in order to reveal the true history of women. In 2008, Leader Apo covered this subject in his book "Sociology of Freedom". As a result of the discussions in 2008, centers were opened in many places. After the Rojava revolution, Jineology centers were opened and the work started in Rojava. "There are many women's institution and women's organizations but Jineology research centers were formed to research women's history and learn about the real role of women in society."   Social structure deteriorated by the formation of capitalism   Ferzê gave information about the work done in Jineology Research Centers. She said that research is being done on the family and society, and aiming to find answers for “How should a democratic family structure be? How should awareness of the gender be?'' questions. Providing information about their work on violence against women, Ferzê said: “We worked on the family and social structure. How was the family structure 50 years ago, in the Baas regime, ISIS and Autonomous Administration periods and how did the family structure change during these periods? We have worked to reveal the positive and negative aspects of these changes. While continuing this study, not only women but also children and men were discussed. We asked the public these questions: "How do you find the current family system and what kind of family structure do you want to have?". The answers we got were a more democratic family structure. There were those who stated that the family structure was also deteriorated by the capitalism system. Apart from the family structure, what kind of change has there been in women's life with the revolution process in Northern and Eastern Syria? We did research on this subject too. We did research on natural medicine. We had research and discussions on gender consciousness. We had research on violence against women. We prepared a brochure including the results of the seminars and researches. We will share it after covid-19 process. We had workshops about early marriage, sexism and violence against women. We tried to find answers for these problems on the Jineology basis. We also had panels.’’ She said.   'Jineology address to the whole society'   Ferzê said that the researches conducted within the scope of Jineology address not only to one segment but to the whole society. She said that with these researches and discussions a woman's consciousness has emerged. Thus, she noted that there is women struggle in all areas of life. Ferzê said ''The main part of our work is research. How much impact does this have on society on this basis? How does society deal with Jineology? We get the answers to these questions mostly in Jineology courses we give at high schools and universities. We continued to teach online during the corona process. If we think about Rojava, the segments we address change according to the regions. But I can say that the science of Jineology affected men the most and they tried to learn this science with a great curiosity. They want us to open academies for men and they want to take part in Jineology.  Especially in the Arab regions (Minbic, Derezor and other regions), people listen to Jineology lectures with great interest. When we look at the family environment and see how women struggle within the family, we can see the influence of Jineology and how much we address society."   'Attacks and corona affect our work'   Ferzê pointed out that Turkey's groups' attacks and corona process have effects on their works. She also pointed out that the work done for these reasons is sometimes not at the desired level. “The attacks on Gire Sipi, Serekaniye and now Ein Isa are affecting our work. With the spread of the coronavirus, our workshop and other works were half finished. For this reason, we will do our research in our homes and share the results of our research with the public after the curfew. And we will continue our public research. Until now, we did not have historical dig, one of the reasons for this is the lack of possibilities and the other reason is the attacks on our areas.  When we examine the whole of Rojava, we know that it has hosted many civilizations in history and so we know there are historical remains here. But, as I said, we can only examine the changes between research and society, from history to the present on women and society for now. Our recent research was on violence. Violence has increased in the world with the corona processes.’’ She said they studied about :How much has the violence increased in our region? What is the reason for this? How can we find a solution for this?   Stating that their priority is to instill the consciousness of women in the society and to create a democratic society on this basis, Ferzê lastly said, "We will continue to produce brochures in the future.  In workshops, seminars, schools we will teach about Jineology, gender science and 'how should a democratic family structure be?'