Women's struggle combined with law struggle: she detained 83 times 2020-11-02 10:57:09   MARDİN - TJA Term Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan, who was detained as part of an investigation opened in Mardin, has been detained 83 times so far. There are more than 200 investigations against Ayşe.   Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA-Free Women Movement) Term Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan was detained from her home in Diyarbakır as part of an investigation conducted in Mardin on 30 October. Detained with 13 people due to an investigation opened in 2014, Ayşe was taken to Mardin in the same day. Ayşe, who was detained for four days, has been detained 83 times so far.   5 separate investigations from the same accusation in 5 years!   In the last five  years, there are 200 investigation files belonging to the period when Ayşe was the mayor of Nusaybin, who had five separate investigations from different cities for "membership of the (terror) organization". four investigations of Ayşe, in Antep, Diyarbakır and both in Mardin, were joined by the Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court on the grounds that they were the same accusation. Ayşe's file is expected to be merged with other files.   'There is no legal aspect of the current situation'   Stating that it is not legal to open 5 separate investigations on the same charge in 5 years, lawyer Muharrem Şahin said, "The situation is not legal. A person cannot be a member of an organization in different places at the same time in 5 years. Investigations opened for the same reasons in Antep, Diyarbakır and Mardin are also found as normal by the courts. Four files merged in Diyarbakır 9th High Criminal Court. We think that the investigation opened with the latest detention will be combined with these files in the future. Opening so many files with the same accusations is not a legal and acceptable situation. He said, "There are more than a hundred files belonging to the period when she was mayor of Nusaybin. There is no legal aspect of the current situation." he said.   Arrested in 2017   Ayşe, who has been involved in many political activities and was elected as the Term Spokesperson at the last congress of TJA, was also detained on June 14 within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in 2017 and was arrested by the court where she was taken on June 24. Ayşe was released at the second hearing on November 27, 2017.