18 civilians abducted in Afrin 2020-10-30 12:12:21   NEWS CENTER - 18 civilians, including one disabled, have been abducted in Afrin controlled by Turkey and the armed groups backed by Turkey.   18 civilians have been abducted in Afrin controlled by Turkey and the armed groups backed by Turkey. According to the Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reporting from NE Syria, 11 people from Kafr Safra village and seven citizens from Koran village of Janders district in Afrin have been abducted after the Turkish intelligence and the mercenaries of Samarkand and Jaish al-Sharqiyya conducted house raids in the villages.    The names of abducted people are: “From Kefersefrayê village; Mustafa Mihemed Xelo (50), Egid Mustafa Xelo (21), Şiyar Ebdulrehman Xelo, Ebdo Bedrî Kemal Exres (20), Murad Seydo Xelo, Hesen Eyûb Ebdo (50-years old and disabled), Emîna Hesen Eyûb, , Almaz Xelîl Hac Ebdo, Selah Reşîd Mehmûd, Mustafa Cafer, a woman from Ezaz named Fatima; From Goran village; Ehmed Hisên Mihemed Deko, Mehmûd Ehmed Hec Birîm, Mihemed Nebî Henan, Cîhad Şikirî, Riyad Murad Kedro, Rêzan Hisên Yûsif, Silêman Hikumet Henan.”   The fate of the abducted people is still unknown.