Detention periods for eight HDP members extended 2020-10-26 18:02:41   DİYARBAKIR - The detention periods of eight people, including HDP Diyarbakır and Yenişehir co-chairs, who were detained in a raid on HDP buildings, extended by four days because of " lack of evidences ".   After the police raid on party buildings on October 22 as part of an investigation conducted by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office;  Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır District co-chairs Hülya Alökmen and Zeyyat Ceylan Uyanık, Yenişehir District co-chairs Remziye Sızıcı and Kasım Kaya, and four people whose names are not known have been held in custody in the Police Headquarters for four days.   It is learned that eight people, including the co-chairs, were detained on the allegation that the posters of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan hung in Sur district of Diyarbakir were prepared in the HDP building. In the investigation, which has been kept confidential, it is stated that the co-chairs are accused of "being a member of an (terrorist) organization".   Detention periods extended   Eight people, four of whom are co-chairs, who have been held in custody for four days, were transferred to Diyarbakır Courthouse for their detention period to be extended. The judge of Criminal Court of Peace on duty decided to extend the detention period by four days, citing the fact that the evidences for the investigation haven’t been collected yet.