TJA: We resist to live; we walk to transform 2020-10-16 20:55:35   DİYARBAKIR - Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) made a statement about the 5th International Action Year of the World March of Women both in Kurdish and English languages. According to the statement the women organizing is wanted to be prevented. They said:  “Aware of all these, we continue our struggle by growing. We resist for living; we walk for transforming.“    TJA made a statement about the 5th International Action Year of the World March of Women in Halkın Demokratik Partisi (HDP) Yenişehir district building in Diyarbakır and TJA activists participated in it. TJA activist Kader Uzun made the statement on behalf of women.   ‘The  women organising is wanted to be prevented’    As Kader say, they are doing the statement against the male-dominated system reproduced by capitalist modernity, which dominates the rest of the world as well as our region. And, they are fighting on the axis of a democratic, ecological, women's liberal paradigm against a racist, sexist system that legitimizes violence against women. She pointed out that the women's struggle’s face to face with a major attack. And she said “The women's organizations we established with great efforts, where women form their own organized networks, claim rights, resist and gain acquisition, go against violations of rights and solidarity, have been closed. Because of it is desired to prevent women from organizing. “   'It caused an increase in inequality'   As Kader say attacks can also be seen in the political arena.  “It has been struggling for years; The co-chairmanship system, which was created to ensure equal representation and emerged where the quota for women was not sufficient, was targeted. The co-chairmanship system, which we have established to ensure gender equality in politics, local governments, and life as a whole, and which is adopted and owned by the society, is under attack together with the trustees.    Along with the co-chairmanship system in our municipalities, women's units (Women's Cooperatives, Women's Counseling Centers, Women's Shelters, Violence Line, Women's Directorates…) were established in all municipalities. Thus, violence against women in the region decreased considerably. Appointment of trustees, closure of women's institutions with the state of emergency; In our region, violence against women increased again, femicide increased, harassment and rape culture increased, and gender inequality increased. “                  "The Istanbul Convention is a human rights convention"   Kader pointed out that women were cut off from the public sphere and imprisoned at home. And she said “The Istanbul Agreement is an international human rights convention that aims to eliminate violence against women and domestic violence, determines the measures, support and protection mechanisms to combat it, and the obligations of states regarding the issue.   “   ‘We resist to live’   Kader continued:  “We state that the TBMM passed the check after August 1, 2014, and that the Istanbul Agreement signed by the government should be implemented.  The reason why the Istanbul Agreement is on the agenda again and it has been attacked is the disclosure and punishment of those who are responsible for gender-based violence. Because these people are the extensions of the system and their judgment is also the judgment of the patriarchal mentality system. Aware of all these, we continue our struggle by growing. We resist to live; we walk to transform.“   The statement ended with the slogans "Jin jiyan azadî".