‘Medical service in mother language is a part of the right to live ‘ 2020-02-20 14:52:38   Rengin Azizoğlu   DİYARBAKIR - Health labourer pointed to the importance of mother language in health service areas, and said ‘’It’s important to speak mother language. Wrong diagnosis causes wrong treatment. The wrong diagnosis may cause permanent disability to death. The demand for medical service in mother language is an inseparable part of the right to live.‘   Every year on February 21 ‘International Mother Language Day’ or by the other name ‘Mother Language Movement Day’, which was declared by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO, various events are held for create linguistic awereness and encourage multilingualism. UNESCO hasn’t announced 2020 report to public opinion yet, which is prepared on February every year in order to point out dangers the languages face. In history numerous languages and cultures disappeared for historical, social, economical and political reasons. Hundreds of language and culture are face with the danger of extinction at the present. One of the importance of mother language’s area that mostly feeling is health. The member of Diyarbakır Chamber of Doctors Elif Turan and member of SES (Health Labourer Union) Gönül Adıbelli evaluated the importance of mother language.   ‘Diagnosis of disease is possible with healthy communication’   Member of Diyarbakır Chamber of Doctors Elif Turan who said language is a way of communication, stated that language is an important factor for getting medical service and revealing the quality of service. Hatice said ‘’ Health service demand in mother language is important as much as health rights , patient rights , treat and live rights.’’ Especially health service is an inseparable part of live right. Demand for health service in mother language is an important not only for patients but also for health labourers.”