‘Öcalan wasted the trick despite the lockdown conditions‘ 2020-02-18 15:30:38   DIYARBAKIR - ‘’Öcalan wasted the trick despite aggravated lockdown conditions’’ said HDP parliamentarian  Pero Dündar who take stock of ongoing aggravated lockdown on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.     While international conspiracy to the Pkk leader Abdullah Öcalan has left 21 years behind , the aggravation lockdown is continue. The hunger strikes in order to remove aggravated lockdown on Abdullah Öcalan initiated under leadership of Leyla Güven , who is HDP Hakkari parliamentarian and Democratical Society Congress’ co-president , were able hold talk with Abdullah Öcalan by his lawyers after 8 years. Both lawyers negotiate request since August 7, 2019, and family’s negotiate since August 12, 2019 didn’t responded positively. HDP Mardin parlimentarian Pero Dündar, took stock of lockdown on society, firstly women. Pero emphasized that aggravated lockdown imposed has been continued for 20 years sometimes softened, sometimes hardened and deepened and stated that ‘’the last 200 days of hunger strike process has been initiated to remove this lockdown and negotiate with Abdullah Öcalan. ’’ After 200 days hunger strike negotiate provided with Öcalan but process was blocked right after and today aggravate lockdown is continue. Öcalan had worned about ongoing war in Rojava and Turkey, economical crisis, increasing women massacres. The country repeat itself. Pero continue ‘’the war that carried out in Rojava and Turkey is continuation of conspiracy that  wanted.’’   Lockdown can be prevent only by organized stuggle    There is an economical and social sphere lockdown, not only in Turkey but also in Rojava, and this lockdown involve Turkey society. Our biggest struggle is try to tell them that lockdown affect on Turkey society. As women we see lockdown on ourselves. Women experience the massacre, violence and all the problems experienced. Pero add : ‘’ This lockdown is prevented only by the organized struggle together.’’   Turkey should end off lockdown   Pero finally said ‘’ Our right to life, right to speak, our lifes are in danger , women are dissappearing day by day, murdered, harassed and raped. This war is getting deeper and deeper around women. Therefore an answer should given to both international power and Turkey. As women we must take step more firm against to lockdown. Lockdown is a humanity crime.