Journalist Kibriye Evren wasn’t released again 2019-02-02 11:51:43   DİYARBAKIR - Journalist Kibriye Evren was not released in the 2nd hearing of her trial. Kibriye, underlined that she is a journalist in her defense and said she supports the demand of Leyla Güven.   The second hearing of the case where Evren was taken under custody in scope of an investigation on October 9 with the charges of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and ‘propaganda of an illegal organization’ was held at Diyarbakır 5th Criminal Court. Kibriye attended the hearing via video conference system (SEGBİS) from Diyarbakır Type E CLosed Prison ,which was held on January 10 the day of the working journalists. Kibriye have been on a hunger strike for 26 days now, with 2 friends.   The attendants was searched before the hearing   In addition to Kibriye's colleagues, the parliamentarians of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Remziye Tosun, the Mesopotamian Women Journalists Platform, Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) participated in the hearing. People were searched before the hearing.   At the hearing, which started with the identification process, the statement of the anonymous tipper was read first.   ‘My job is to meet with everyone as I am a journalist’   Later, Kibriye who attended the hearing via video conference (SEGBİS) from Diyarbakır Type E Closed Prison started her defence, saying: “I said I am a journalist before. I do not accept these charges. My job is to meet with everyone as I am a journalist. I go out, I make news. I have gone to Iraq many times before. I went there to follow up stories. My attorneys gave you those news. I do not accept these charges.”   ‘All charges are abstract accusations’   Attorney Pirozhan Karali took the floor and said that all of the charges are abstract accusations. Pirozhan said: “ These accusations can not be proven to be facts. If my client is a member of an illegal organization, why can’t you say what those instructions given to her was? Someone accusing someone of being a member of an organization or being in the building of a political party are seriously baseless. My client says she is a journalist through all of the steps and so do we. Moreover the insurance of my client is being paid and all the conditions of being a journalist exists. She travels in the country or outside of the country. She is using a passport for it. Her tweets has blue ticks which means it is a registered account.My client is a journalist. I demand her release or her release with a judicial control decision.   Later the prosecution expressed his opinion and demanded continuation of detention.   ‘The statement of the anonymous witness does not reflect the reality’   Attorney Resul Tamer who reminded that 9 other journalists was taken into custody and then released, said: “You have questioned all of them but 3. The anonymous witness ‘Firari’ gave statements for other cases. He speaks as he knows Kibriye. He is saying the exact same thing he said for Mehmet Akdoğan and the other ones. He claimed many people to be responsible for pres.His statements does not reflect the reality. Going abroad does not mean they did something.   ‘The demands of Leyla Güven is our demand’   Kibriye who took the floor for her last statement said: “ Leyla Güven’s demand is my demand.” Then the court board asked what Güven’s demand is. Kibriye said: “Leyla Güven is in the 64th day of her hunger strike. Her demand is the termination of the isolation on Mr. Öcalan. I too have been on hunger strike for 26 days with the same demand. Our demand is the removal of the isolation and the peace to come to  our country.”   The court board took a five minute recess for the decision. The court then decided the continuation of detention and postponed the hearing to April 16.